Many users are quite interested in the transmission performance of the POWER-Z KM002C, which is indicated in the manual. Today, ChargerLAB will have a transmission test to see the actual performance.

The KM002C tester has two USB-C ports, one receptacle and one plug. The HID is not for the test.

The devices used for the test include the Mac Book M1 and DELL S2722QC 4K Monitor. Connecting the laptop and monitor through the Thunderbolt 3 cable and the POWER-Z KM002C tester, we can get the expanded screen normally, and the display screen is clear with stability.

The display resolution is 3940x2160 (4K) 60Hz and the DP is 1.4, which doesn't affect the transmission performance of the Thunderbolt 3 cable.

Then, we use the same Thunderbolt 3 cable to test the transmission rate of the USB4 hard drive and Samsung 970 EVO 250G. The result shows that the transmission rate is the same with or without POWER-Z KM002C access.

The write speed is about 1279Mb/s and the read speed is about 2862.1Mb/s, which meets the transmission standard of Thunderbolt 3. For users who need to test the transmission of devices such as docking stations and cables, there is no need to worry about it.
Related Articles:
1. Unboxing | How to Use POWER-Z KM002C @ChargerLAB
2. POWER-Z KM002C is now available on Amazon
3. The New Updates of the Power-Z KM002C (New Xiaomi Private Protocol Detection)